Friday, November 9, 2012

Pay It Forward

I am so thankful for Addison's 8 weeks with no vomiting. She developed a cough and vomited 3 times last week. She started out with a fever. The next day she had a rash all over her body and then the cough started. After a visit with her pediatrician she confirmed it was a viral rash. During our visit Addison was coughing and gagging. Dr. Guidroz said she was about to start crying because she thought Addison was going to vomit in her office. She didn't start until we made it home. She vomited twice on Thursday and once on Friday. We began breathing treatments and she has slowly gotten better. I have been doing better also. I started back at Jazzercise and have not had a single anxiety attack in a month.
Addison has had quite a year. So far she has been hospitalized 3 times, 2 EGDs, 2 surgeries, 4 Upper GI series, 1 swallow study, 5 chest xrays, 1 PH Probe study, 36 therapy sessions, 92 doctor appointments and she has vomited 78 times. I am so thankful for all of your support and prayers. Now that things have slowed down for us I really want to pay it forward over the holidays. I would like to donate toys to the Child Life Specialists at Our Lady of the Lake Children's Hospital. The Child Life Specialists checked on Addison at least once a day during her admissions and went with her to preop for surgery. They brought her barbies, dress up clothes, colors and coloring books, paint and paint brushes, bubbles, etc. Bubbles are used to prevent children from getting pneumonia from laying in bed after a surgery. It is important for them to blow. When we were able to finally give Addison a bath several days after surgery they brought her a princess crown, wand, purse, jewelry and a tutu. I will never forget her laying in bed in pain but she managed to have a smile on her face. I would like to donate new toys to the hospital the week before Christmas. I am asking you to buy an extra gift for a sick child who will be spending the holidays in the hospital. Coloring books, colors, puzzles, barbies, babydolls, dress up clothes, bubbles, pillow pets, board games, cars, action figures, card games, etc. Please contact me to pick up your donation to be made in Addison's name. My number is 225-717-6102, email or on facebook.