Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A day of news

We enjoyed our time in Memphis and are settling back into our routine. I have lots to update so I will start from the beginning. We checked into the LeBonheur's Children's Hospital at 6:30 am on Tuesday the 18th. As soon as we walked into her room she picked up the phone and told me to call the eatman. She wanted me to order her breakfast. Poor thing knows too much about being in the hospital. Addison was given an IV. Of course she hates them and clawed my arm trying to fight the nurse from giving it to her. At first the resident doctor thought Addie could not eat until after the probe was inserted so fluids were started. After about 5 minutes they were stopped and she was allowed to eat until an hour before the probe was inserted. The probe was inserted, Addison fought a little and it came out but after another try it was inserted fully. A chest xray was done to check it's placement. The probe was taped to her face and on her back. She didn't complain. She just asked what it was and why was it in her nose. She told us she could not snore because of the tube in her nose and only said it hurt once. The hard part was keeping her from pulling the probe out. She is not "sick" so we kept having to remind her to be careful and not move to fast or step on the cords. It was removed after 24 hours and we were discharged. During our stay a pulmonologist was consulted. She basically explained to us the linear band of fibrosis was caused from the aspiration pneumonia. We are to be sure and give Addison a Flu shot every year and to keep her from getting sick as much as we can. Being born premature she had underdeveloped lungs anyway.
We picked up her 2nd pair of orthotics yesterday. They should last a complete year. Today we met with her therapist. Addison is showing signs of sensory processing disorder. We already have an appointment with her pediatrician on Thursday. We will discuss having her tested then. Dr. Black's nurse called and said the PH probe results were negative and did not show any signs of reflux. I just don't understand. She just had an EGD last month and it showed reflux and esophageal ulcers. Her 2 GI doctors both said she needed the Nissen Fundoplication surgery and now she doesn't have any reflux? Thank goodness we took her to see Dr. Black. While we where in Memphis, her surgeon called to schedule the surgery. She has not vomited in 3 1/2 weeks. The only explaination we have right now is the power of prayer. It just seems to good to be true. Everytime she makes a noise, like she is going to cough or gets choked I think here it comes. I asked the nurse if I still need to give her prevacid and she was going to ask and call me back but I haven't heard from her yet.
Thank you for all your support and prayers.

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